Wow, I actually like the premise of this. The music also does it for me. Great mix of the Matrix and Mindcraft dude. This felt like an actual trailer. I'd love to see what happened in the movie, haha!
Wow, I actually like the premise of this. The music also does it for me. Great mix of the Matrix and Mindcraft dude. This felt like an actual trailer. I'd love to see what happened in the movie, haha!
It's ALWAYS an arrown in the Knee
It's funny how the strangest things turn into a meme. I can't go 5 websites without a Skyrim reference--at the same time, an arrow to the knee is all it takes before you can't go adventureneering. And the guys argument in the animation--completely and utterly necessary.
Animation and 3D don't always go together.
What EnactJudo meant is that using 3d in the environments and background make your animation not look as good as it could be if it was all animated/cell shaded. I also have to agree with him. It's really hard to integrate 2d animation and 3d together without there being an extreme break in immersion. I like the animation, I just wish you could have animated the whole thing.
The Kitty is so CUTE tho!
The quality of the flash itself is what bugs me the most, but everything else rocks. I've watched this like 5 times...cause the kitty is so CUTE >.<
Not exactly what I expected...
Well...this isn't QUITE The Final Task, but it is a great job with the animation. I feel the immersion was disrupted a bit for me by the bright/saturated colors in the animation. It is good to see, however, that you are recognizing them with such an animation. Keep up the good work.
The Hangover
OMEG...the guy who wrote a review before me is totally right, though I think that you do it "Hangover" style, like the movie. On the special edition dvd all the pictures that they took through out the night were was hilarious!
I also want to see what you guy plan to do with this series!
NO! Not the pidgeon TOO!!
I find this funny every time I see it...STILL.
I cried...
I watched the first one of course...thinking that I needed to see the first one first, lol. Though I am still glad that I did anyways. It sometimes takes twice to realize how great something is.
The reason I cried is...the last 6 months of my life have come rushing back. I like a guy and have a somewhat similar situation going on. He's done some awesome stuff for me and I wonder if I am mistaking kindness for something else. As strange as he is, his life lies in video games--which isn't different from my own situation lol. At the same time...pulling him out of that world is almost as frustrating, if not as strange as the girl wanting him to give her flowers and candy and go on dates.
Drawing is the world that that guy knows. Anything outside of that world is harder for him to understand. I almost feel like just weeing this video made me understand why things seem so awkward between me and that guy. This guy is extremely smart, but nothing grabs his attentino more than me whooping his ass at Modern Warfare 2. I think I will just stick to working on that.
Thanks for the ending Rob. Great Flash...and the first thing i get to see on Valentines day...<3
Well I'm glad you understood that. For some reason, no one else is seeming to. Lack of imagination on a lot of their parts, I guess. It isn't perfect, but damn, really. Sorry, I'm sifting through too many overly negative reviews. I'm really, really glad you were able to watch it and enjoy it!
Age 36, n
Joined on 1/16/08